A Casual Encounter

It’s hard to walk off when you’ve sampled the goods
Then engaged in polite conversation
There’s no place to hide when you’ve been back for more
Held hostage by infatuation
At best you could say you were caught unaware
Enticed by delicious delights
Led by the promise of salacious pleasure
And joy on those long lonely nights

It’s hard to say no when you’re riddled with guilt
Each weakness so clearly exposed
The glint in her eye when she knows that you’re hooked
And so obviously predisposed
The lingering moments of shared adulation
Sensations that outshine the rest
Prolonging the passion, a long explanation
Of why this was truly the best

It’s hard to say no but you can, and you should
Be strong, turn your back and just leave
You’re not her first conquest, you won’t be the last
So don’t be the one that’s naive
A casual, fleeting, flirtatious encounter
You don’t have to pay for the dream
It’s only a Saturday afternoon taster
Of caramel salted ice cream

One Reply to “A Casual Encounter”

  1. Oooh its so hard not to enjoy that taster and then not buy, even if it is over priced…

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