If only the door had been closed and not open
If only the words remained thoughts, were not spoken
If only the heart had been warm and not cold
If only the truth and not lies had been told
If only the rational road had prevailed
If only the risk of the losses detailed
If only the head ruled emotional craves
If only the dead advertised on their graves
If only the depths were profoundly at ease
If only the roots had combatted disease
If only the seed had been lovingly nourished
If only the life giving nature had flourished
If only the giving required no returns
If only the living ensured a soul learns
If only the path to salvation was near
If only the human condition was clear
If only the end justified the intent
If only the action portrayed what was meant
If only the truth could be told without fears
If only the heart would be shared without tears
If only the hurt washed away without stain
If only the cut seared the wound without pain
If only the damage would heal with no scar
If only the love had been lived from afar
Very depressing..